Major Assignment # 2 : Images

For my first image, I used these two photos together to create it! I had four layers. The first and very bottom layer is the first one with a regular face. The second bottom layer is actually just a red background. I just used the paint filling tool and filled the whole screen with red and then I brought the opacity to 40% so we can still see the original photo. The third bottom layer is the picture of my wacky face. I made sure that the two photos of me are aligned but just 'transformed' to the left. Then I used the freehand selection tool to only select my hands and my face. Using the "mask" tool button to crop my face and hands only. Then I changed the blend mode to Exclusion to deliver a dream-like effect. I specifically chose red for the foreground to make the "second face" pop up even more as red is the complementary colour to green. 
I call this image: Visage.

For my second image, I actually did a timelapse to show my progress!

The second video is editing the lighting and the colours to give it a retro futuristic tone. I specifically chose a photo of downtown to juxtapose the whales. I wanted to create an image that celebrates both the beauty of nature, sunset and whales, and beauty of a man-made environment.

I call my second image: City gazing.

For my last image, I used two photos once again. I only had two layers in this photo. The bottom layer is the landscape photo and the top layer is the photo of Biscuit licking a puppicino. I used the freehand selection tool to crop out the photo of Biscuit. The photoshop app on the IPad has an automatic selection tool to make cropping smoother and easier. But it isn't perfect so I zoomed in really close to carefully erase the edges. I also lower the opacity as well as I was erasing the edges to help define the horizon. Then I added grain to make it appear retro and I saturated specific colours like red and orange. I have couple of inspirations for this image such as Stranger things, Lion King, and those Clown mouth rides. But I call this image : Self-reflection. 


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