Blog Post Assignment #1

 Hello friends:)

    My name is Renilin Ordonez Paras and I am from the Philippines. I was born in Kawit, Cavite, the Philippines on October 29 2000 and I immigrated to Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada when I was 7 years old. I've been studying in a French Immersion School ever since I moved here which guided my career and education path. My teaching areas are French and Mathematics and I hope to teach in a High School after I graduate. My dream and my goal is to travel the world and teach in different cities, countries, and continents.  I want to live in different parts of the world for certain years and switch to another part of the world while I teach. I am not sure where yet but I for sure want to live a couple of years in Europe (specifically a french speaking country) and in Japan. Another plan in the back of my head is to get a masters in Mathematics or even a Ph.D. and become a mathematics professor and share my passion with students, but I will still yet to see my education career and see if I can even mentally, emotionally, or cognitively handle it.

    I love art. I love to feel emotions from listening to music. I love to create imagery and stories from drawing and painting. Further and recently, I love to feel and convey emotions, stories, and music through dance. I just started to learn how to dance for a full year and still continuing to develop my dancing skills. Further, I love working out because of the endorphins I feel after and also the music I can listen to while I work out. Additionally, I have been into video games since I laid my hands on a game boy when I was 4 years old. With the help of my other nerd friend, I built my own PC from scratch. I took computer science in High School and I helped a friend with his class in University as well. Therefore, I am a bit familiar with technology and computer stuff. However, technology is vast and diverse so there is always so much more to learn and explore. With this course, I hope to broaden and develop my knowledge of technology by learning new ways to utilize fully this powerful yet immense tool that rapidly and continuously evolves each day. I am very excited to learn and have fun in this course!


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  2. We've got quite a bit of things in common, Renilin! I also moved to Canada at a young age and I also enjoy going to the gym for the same reasons! Very cool reading on all of your experiences with technology. Looking forward to reading more of your blogs!

  3. Hi Renilin,

    I love the layout and use of color in your blog. It's so nice to see you in another class together. I have several friends who have taught abroad in such places as Goa, India, Switzerland, UK, Spain, Thailand, Korea, Japan, Hong Kong, Tanzania, South Africa, and on a PeaceBoat. What's interesting is that I can't think of any anyone who came back home. They all loved teaching abroad so much that they have continued to travel and teach in new places, from one contract to the next and wouldn't have it any other way. If you choose to teach internationally, I hope you love it as much as they have. I look forward to viewing the rest of your blog and finishing our final placements in French Immersion schools and hope to meet you along the way.

    Shari Da Silva


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