Blog Post #3

Between the two presentations that Dr. Marc Gobeil has shared with us, I preferred the one presentation with pictures! I believe that adding pictures to PowerPoint makes it way more effective. Firstly, it adds more context to the PowerPoint because it provides visual information. Secondly, It makes it more visually appealing for the viewers as it is not just text. Lastly, it hits the visual learning style that some students need to really understand a concept. The most important aspects of clear instructions are simple, easy to understand, and concise. These three aspects are important because it leads to fewer confused students and fewer students getting sidetracked in order to ensure that they comprehend the instructions to fulfill the goal. 

    Speakers' notes are essential to not only keep the presentation in order but also to not miss any information that is not written on the actual presentation that the viewers see. I use speaker notes each time I present with a PowerPoint because it helps me keep organized and it actually helps me feel less stressed. Speaker notes ensure that I won't forget small but vital comments or ideas and keep my presentation on track!

     Google slides are awesome and they can definitely be used in Education. Firstly, it's accessible for everyone because it's free and online. It has fewer features than PowerPoint, but you don't need all the fancy features to create a great PowerPoint. Further, it's great for starting up small presentations and for making PowerPoints. A great fantastic awesome bonus point for google slides is that it saves automatically and it saves online so students will always have access to them and can't ruin schedules by forgetting their USB at home or forgetting to save it (or lying about forgetting). I also suggest having notes in a notebook or an Ipad (which is what I use) so I can see a full overview of my presentation. Rather than only seeing them slide by slide. 

    I think Google Slides could even improve more by adding some features that PowerPoint has. Additionally, some pointers for PowerPoint are to add the amazing and easy collaboration aspects of Google Slides and the automatic save. Recently and always, I've been more keen on using Google Slides, but I am always looking to expand and diversify my learning and teaching tools. 


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